Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas is getting close faggots!

I'll be online every night this week 
accepting your gifts of
cash on Amazon Payments,
Amazon Gift Cards,
and Wish List items!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

One of my fags sent me a sample of this cologne...

...and now I fuckin' want it! This shit's expensive too, but that doesn't matter. That why I got you faggots! I WANT THIS NOW! I DESERVE THE BEST! SOMEONE BETTER ORDER THIS FROM MY WISHLIST:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm ready to drain a faggot!!

I'm in the mood to take! That means you faggots need to pay up and put me in a good mood! Which one of you faggots is going to do what it takes to make me happy??

Friday, October 18, 2013

Another $375 cash rape from fag Joe P!

This faggot is setting the bar for the rest of you! Last time I took over $700 in Amazon from it, and this time made it send me pure cash through Paypal! Pay attention slaves! This is what I expect AND deserve from all of you!

Monday, October 7, 2013

I don't pay for car repairs...

Bidding ends Wednesday!!

I'm going to take one more long jog wear these socks, then I'm putting them in a Ziploc bag in preparation for shipping to some lucky fag! These fuckers are going to stink! Get your bid in now!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Where are my shoe licking faggots?

Just got done walking through this field...sole of my shoes are covered with dirt and grit. Which one of you faggots is ready to lick 'em clean??

Remember faggots, your cash belongs to me!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I need to work on this tan!!

Which means three things:
  1. I need to be outside where the sun can hit my perfect body (so you fags can keep drooling)
  2. I don't need to be inside working (that's what fags do)
  3. I need your fag cash (that's what fags are for) so I can relax and enjoy my fucking summer !!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Keep it coming fags!

I've spent $2,000 in fag cash on my car over the last few weeks, and I want MORE!  I don't plan to spend any of my own money all summer long...so you faggots know what needs to be done! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Another weekend...another $400 in cash rapes!

Lifted cash off of some popper sniffing fag! Had him sniffing away while that cash kept coming into my accounts! I love kicking back while you slaves do what you need to be doing...paying ME.